Eastern North Carolina Solar Projects
Confidential Client - North Carolina
Key Features
Development of dozens of solar sites in Eastern North Carolina
Interfacing with federal and state agencies
Phase I ESA, Constraints Analysis, Erosion & Sediment Control Plans and inspections, SPCC and inspections

Several solar facilities were built in Eastern North Carolina, some of which include the Washington White Post I & II, Bethel, Scotland Neck, and Windsor solar sites. The sites ranged from 5 to 20 MW of solar energy. ERP completed the environmental permitting and regulator consulting on these projects beginning from initial siting to NTP.
Tasks required for the Projects including technical reports identifying environmental and cultural constraints. ERP coordinated with local, state (NC Office of State Archaeology (OSA), State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPO), NC Wildlife Resources Commission, NC Department of Environmental Quality (NCDOT), and Federal agencies (NHP, USFWS, USACE).
Additional responsibilities for the projects included a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), attaining the construction stormwater permit from NCDEQ and creating any necessary Spill Prevention, Countermeasure, and Control (SPCC) Plans. This involved creating the necessary erosion & sediment control plans, stormwater pollution prevention plans, as well as providing the necessary property deeds and contracts with landowners, and meeting with NCDEQ before submitting the plans and applications. SPCC Plans were required for sites with more than 1,320 gallons of petroleum products stored onsite (generally in transformers), for which an inspection of the site was conducted, and a Plan created based on the needs of each site. Dependent on the presence of secondary containment, an Oil Spill Contingency Plan was also provided.
ERP also provided regulatory inspection services for both SPCC and erosion & sediment control. Assistance in safety training and audits were completed during construction.