Key Features

  • Supported Due Diligence review for over 60 sites in more than 15 countries

  • Quantified potential costs and provided a qualitative assessment of environmental risks


ERP performed an Environmental Due Diligence “desk top review” to assess known and potential environmental remediation and regulatory compliance liabilities associated with a manufacturing business with more than 60 sites and operations in more than 15 countries in North America, Europe, Africa, Russia, China and the Asia-Pacific region.

 ERP developed and implemented a strategy based on the client’s very challenging deal-specific needs including a very tight deadline. ERP created and populated a database to capture relevant information about known environmental contamination and regulatory non-compliance as well as site risk profiling information to support a quantification of potential costs and qualitative assessment of environmental risks associated with each site. ERP also reviewed business level information to assess EHS management systems and their effectiveness in maintaining safe and compliant operations.