Laredo Gas Yard
Key Features
Phase II Soil and Groundwater investigation and regulatory consultation
Design and implementation of sucecssful remedial strategy to adress petroleum impacted soil

ERP completed groundwater monitoring and maintenance, preparation and implementation of corrective action measures, and regulatory discussions and reporting. ERP completed a Phase II investigation with the results of the investigation indicating that petroleum hydrocarbons present in soil and groundwater exceeding Class II Texas Railroad Commission (RRC) regulatory limits. A follow up soil and groundwater investigation was conducted, which further delineated impacts at the site.
This investigation included installation of eight soil borings and six monitoring wells. The RRC issued approval of the remedial action plan to excavate impacted soils at the site and to address groundwater impacts with calcium peroxide. Groundwater monitoring was then conducted to evaluate site conditions and to refine the remediation strategy. Groundwater samples collected from the site monitoring wells did not contain concentrations of BTEX or TPH above RRC Impacted Groundwater Delineation and Remediation Limits. Soil analytical results indicated that the remedial strategy, excavation of impacted soil, was successful in addressing petroleum impacted soil at the site.