ERP personnel have extensive experience in surveys for animal and plant species protected by federal and state agencies. Qualified ERP personnel conduct in-house literature reviews, as well as on-site protected species and critical habitat surveys. ERP has extensive experience performing surveys for avian, eagle, and other species, and population monitoring to ensure our clients meet requirements set forth by permitting agencies such as the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and state and local agencies.

wetland assessment

ERP provides wetlands and waters of the US assessments as well as Clean Water Act Section 404/401 permitting for impacts to waters of the U.S.  ERP helps clients identify potentially jurisdictional features and how to avoid those areas if possible.  When avoidance is not possible, ERP can help clients minimize and mitigate those impacts and obtain the necessary permits from state and federal regulators.  ERP’s experienced wetland scientists have successfully worked with regulators and various aquatic habitat types from California to North Carolina.  ERP has extensive experience completing wetlands and waters of the U.S. assessments for projects that cover expansive areas by using sophisticated GIS and mapping tools to complete the assessment in a cost effective manner.


Wetland and Stream Assessments and Delineations

Habitat Assessments

Protected Species Surveys

Avian Point Count Surveys

Eagle and Raptor Surveys

Bat Acoustic Monitoring


Representative Projects